Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Concept Map: Static versus Dynamic Technologies

Based on my philosophy of distance education, I believe that I am in both static and dynamic continuums. I have used tutorials such as SPSS in a quantitative course and NVivo in a qualitative course. I have used Laureate teaching videos and the Walden digital library for research. I have used doc sharing, class cafe, e-mail, and classroom discussions. In a previous course taken at Walden, I have used a Wiki-space. In this course, I was introduced to blogging.

On the dynamic side, I have moved over to the content area. In this class, as in other classes, I have evaluated scholarly articles for research purposes. I think that the usage of weblogs has been effective for DE communication purposes, and I plan to begin blogging with my students (middle school) under a kid’s blog. I would like my students to answer questions and have discussions about various health issues.


  1. Hi Joy,
    Outstanding Mind Map!! I love the pictures and the colored clouds.
    I had a problem with this assignment because there are items that can be on both sides, depending on how they are used. For example, wikispaces could be a place to dump project pieces by each team member (static) but it could also be dynamic if the team were using it to take the info and recreate their own product.
    What do you think.....

  2. Hello Joy,

    You have done an excellent job with your concept map. I like how you use Walden University VODCAST examples. I can share many of your static and dynamic experiences with media. I am taking RSCH 8200 this quarter and using SPSS with the tutorial videos. The technique is good for the class because using the workbook without the tutorials could be tremendously difficult. I believe virtual gaming is a good media technology to use for learning. I see that blogging has really made an impression on you because you are ready to implement the learning media into your curriculum. I debated on Vonage and Skype as static versus dynamic. I chose dynamic because of VOIP as a tool for synchronous teaching (McGreal & Elliott, 2008, p.149). You chose Skype as static. Why did you view Skype as static?


    McGreal, R., & Elliott, M. (2008). Technologies of online learning (e-learning). In T. Anderson (Ed.), The theory and practice of online learning (2nd ed., pp. 143-165). Edmonton, AB: Athabasca University Press


  3. Hi Sullus and Marlene,

    Thanks for your encouraging responses. Marlene, I think that static and dynamic are interchangeable depending upon how they are used. And, Sullus, the usage of Skype is free for communication so it could be placed on either side, depending upon how you would use it.

    A history teacher in my school uses blogging, very effectively for class assignments. She was very helpful to me for this assignment. I can see how her students have grown in blogging assignments. I am also going to try this application with my health curriculum.

    Thanks, Joy

  4. Joy,

    I noticed you put blogs under static content. I see blogs as being dynamic, static, or both; it depends on how they are used. I think it depends in part on who your readers are and how much feedback you receive. If your blog is all about pictures or stories and published to the public, it would probably be more static. If you r audience is a group of students and they are asking questions or making insightful comments about content, I would say it is more on the dynamic side. Otherwise, I find that our diagrams are fairly similar in what we have categorized. What do you find to be the most effective of the content types and which do you find is the least effective?



  5. Hi Curt,
    You are correct.I also see blogs as static or dynamic depending upon the usage of each. The most effective are blogs and our discussions with each other.

  6. Hello Joy,

    I agree many of the concept map media can be either static or dynamic. I think it is good that you are able to view practical application of some of the learning media displayed on the concept may.


  7. Hi All,

    Phew, I was afraid I was the only one struggling to classify a technology as either or but not both. I so agree that depending upon the situation, many of the technology tools can be either static or dynamic. Very nice work Joy!

    One quick question, what grade level do you teach? If I understood correctly, you allow your students to have blogs. Was this a hard-sell with administration or were they on-board?

