Monday, September 20, 2010

Distance Learning

Siemens (Laureate, 2009) recognizes an increase in online communication.  Siemens (Laureate, 2009) also mentions that with on-line or distance education we no longer have a geographical separation to participate in learning and conversing with people all over the world.  This is not traditionally what we had in a "face to face" learning environment.
 Simonson (Laureate, 2009), looks at distance learning in reference to higher education, k-12, and in- corporate training as having advantages with distance learning.  The advantages of learning at a distance would include the exposure to a multitude of expert teachers, professors, and seasoned administrators for information.
To make on-line discussions meaningful, that promote a learning community, I think you have to plan and use both good questioning techniques and incentives to support learner-to-learner communication. Moller, Foshay, & Huett (2008) state how learning occurs when there is an active, meaningful and supportive community through discussions. Discussions are used for introduction, reflection, debate, and exploring studies, amid many other things.
Two important questions as a distance learner might be “What do you want to establish during the course or program?, and What do you anticipate with leaving the course concerning knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation?”
I visited a learning blog by Stephen Downes at .  This web site is very useful for the beginner blogger, such as me.  Stephen Downes directs you on how to develop meaningful relationships online with other peers.  Some of his links to popular articles include; “Managing Your Blog Entry-Eleven Better Tips, Nine Rules for Good Technology, and Educational Blogging.”
Another learning blog visited was  In this blog, George Siemens talks about significant trends in learning and how technology tools are now defining and shaping our learning. He also mentions how all of the learning theories are moving into a digital age, connecting the world as never before.  There is a link on connectivism that I found particularly interesting .  In this link George Siemens has an article of interest entitled “Reflections on an Open Course.”
I then visited a learning blog posted by Eruditio Longinquitas.  The web location is .  In this blog, Eruditio Longinquitas’ blog is on “Advancing Distance Learning:  The Palloff and Pratt Collection.” This blog reviews the writings and usefulness of the works of both curriculum development and online instruction. The Palloff and Prat series of online text and online learning and teaching are based on collaborating together in an effective community.
I am new to blogging and I think that this blog exercise has opened a new world of information.  My goal is to gaze further into the blogs that I have mentioned and to explore more sources of learning blogs, podcasts, and/or webcasts.
Downes, Stephen (2010, September 20). Free Learning. Http://
Laureate Education Inc., 2009.  The future of distance education. Seimens, G. Instructor.  Retrieved from Walden University, September 2010.
Laureate Education Inc., 2009.  Distance education, higher education, k-12, and in corporate training. Simonson, M. Instructor.  Retrieved from Walden University, September 2010.
Loniquitas, Eruditio, (2010, March 5). Advanced distance learning:  The Palloff and Pratt collection. Retrieved from
Moller.L.,, Foshay, W., & Huett, J. 2008.  Implications for instructional design on the potential of the web.  Tech Trends, July/August.  Retrieved from Walden University Library, September 2010.
Siemens, George (2005, April 5).  Reflections on an open Course.  Retrieved from http://www,,